Anyhow, above is professor Ghermani. He's actually Romanian....he must be something like 75 or so year-old. A real nice prof but he's a bit...well, off to the side in his head. The course, as it says in the uni calendar, is 'The cause ...
Professor Ghermani Posted by Picasa Actually I tried to Moblog this last evening from the university, but there wasn't enough signal strength there so I didn't managed to do it. I thought that I would do that when I get home, ...
w drodze powrotnej zabawialem rozmowa o polityce w krajach europy srodkowej pana profesora ghermani, historyka, filozofa i politologa, czlowieka wielce zasluzonego dla nauki rumunskiej, acz nieco juz podeszlego wiekiem. troche ciezko ...